Rangers Lodge Wildlife Hospital CIO
01403 379446
Registered Charity No. 1193206
Important Notice!
If you have found an injured, orphaned or sick wild animal….
Catch the animal using a towel
Place into a sturdy box with a lid
Call us or your nearest wildlife centre before you leave so we can make the necessary preparations
We are unable to collect any animals so you will need to make your own transport arrangements.
This is due to limited resources and staff, as we are a small family run charity.
Office hours 10:00-17:59
Emergencies only 18:00-09:59
Please be aware!
We would like to raise awareness to the public, to please be mindful when tending to your gardens this spring/ summer.
We have many animals admitted this time of year due to horrid accidents caused by grass trimmers and other forms of gardening machinery.
If we all take that little extra care, we hope that we won’t see so many animals admitted with these injuries.

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